When you face drug charges, whether the case is prosecuted at the state or federal level can greatly affect the outcome. Typically, the state handles most drug cases. It's important to understand what factors may elevate a drug case to the federal courts. Interstate...
Month: August 2024
How a drug arrest can affect your child’s college career
A drug arrest can have serious and far-reaching consequences for your child’s college career in Alabama. Whether they are already enrolled in college or planning to attend, a drug-related offense could impact their education in several significant ways. It’s important...
When can a federal agency join an Alabama criminal investigation?
Federal agencies play a large role in high-stakes criminal investigations. These agencies have the authority to become involved in certain cases that meet specific criteria. Understanding when a federal agency can join an Alabama criminal investigation can help you...
Will you go to jail if the police find cocaine in your car?
If you are pulled over by police in Alabama and they find cocaine in your car, the legal consequences can be severe, including potential jail time. You need to understand the possible outcomes and when charges might escalate to the federal level. State charges for...